my story

We are committed to delivering personalised training programmes crafted to fit you; whether a hectic lifestyle, an injury or challenge of a lifetime; each element will be considered and accounted for.

Simple and realistic goals combined with a scientific yet fun training method guarantees results are attained and more importantly retained. This forward-thinking attitude to training is precise and definite eliminating the guesswork and hunches often associated with exercise.

my approach

Since 2014, we have been delivering tailor-made fitness plans through three core channels; Personal Training, Performance Training and Virtual Packages.

Founder Gus Barton set up the company after completing a Sports Science BSc Degree at Exeter University followed by multiple personal training accreditations (REPS Level 3, Functional Movement Screen & Diploma in Sports Massage). Through a deep-rooted understanding and passion for the industry he forged this distinctive outlook to personal training and strength and conditioning coaching. Gus is now established as a renowned Kensington Personal Trainer.

In the last two years alone, we have delivered over 5000 hours of personal and performance training to our valued client base, leading to a respected and trusted reputation throughout Kensington’s personal training community. This has led to Gus being named a master trainer for the Dan Roberts Group, voted Tatler's Personal Trainer of 2016.

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  • BSc Sport and Exercise Science (University of Exeter)

  • Personal Trainer (REPS Level 3) 

  • Functional Range Specialist 

  • Functional Movement Screen

  • Sport Massage Diploma 

Please get in touch to begin your journey